Skywater, Facewater, Underwater Waltz

made with Karen Christopher & Tara Fatehi

Deep in the ocean, the darkness is illuminated by bodies waiting... for their next meal, for their next love, for their next life. An endless dedication, a prayer that lasts forever, a dissolving song. 

What are we afraid of? What do we do when we cannot wait any longer?  When do I end and you begin?

The basement begins to fill with water...

Skywater, Facewater, Underwater Waltz is currently at an early stage of development. The project is supported by Queen Mary University Centre for Creative Collaboration (London) and Arnolfini (Bristol), and will be completed and available to tour in 2025.

Omikemi contributed to the early stage of this project’s development.

Performance Dates

Coming up...

  • 12 October 2024, Arnolfini, Bristol (work-in-progress)
  • 7 November 2024, Edinburgh Futures Institute, Edinburgh (work-in-progress; part of the event ENTANGLEMENTS: STUDIES IN FALLING, FLOWING, FOLLOWING)


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