Rage on Stage 

a collaboration with Anahí Saravia Herrera | series in progress

Rage on Stage is a durational performance led by the question: What happens when we juxtapose different manifestations of intersectional feminist rage? 

The work is made up of three parts, in the first part Preparing for: Rage on Stage, we host a space to think about what feminist rage is whilst we prepare hundreds of plates for their destruction. This time is dedicated to thinking about the labor that goes into making space for rage and what the shapes and manifestations of feminist rage, exhaustion and anger look like - helping us prepare the content for the next stage of the performance.

Preparing for: Rage on Stage is a participatory performance; we welcome audiences to join us, bring texts, plates, thoughts, and images or simply come tell us about what makes you fucking mad. It’s an open relaxed space made for people to come and go. We have performed this once at Camden Peoples Theatre's Calm Down Dear Festival of feminist performance. 

The second part of the work is Rage on Stage - a performative space where theory, action, and interpretation exist simultaneously, culminating in a performative experiment where texts are being read, plates are being smashed and a soundscape is being created in response. 

The third part of the work in the series is Rage on Stage: The Clean Up

Jemima and Anahí... 

are interested in creatively reflecting on our felt experience of power structures as women, migrants, cultural workers + ambiguously young people. We gravitate towards creating work that involves the act of making things public, and making the covert, explicit. We like to laugh when we do this.


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